Learn Cinema 4D and motion graphics
Why should you learn Cinema 4D?
Cinema 4D is an industry-standard 3D package. Design studios use it heavily in motion graphics, 3D design, and animation. Of all the 3D packages available, it is considered the easiest to learn. The workflow and tools are intuitive. Even if you are entirely new to the software, you can create cool designs right away. Despite being easy to learn, it runs as deep as you want. You can create very complex projects with it. There is also a multitude of plugins that extend the program. X-Particles, for example, is a fantastic particle plugin exclusively for Cinema 4D. Third-party rendering engines, such as Redshift and Octane, also work well.
Additionally, Cinema 4D has a large and helpful community. With lots of resources at your disposal, you can increase your knowledge regardless of your current level.
Cinema 4D is by no means the only 3D software available. But it is the preferred software here at Velocitypeak. We will try our best to help you on your journey to learn Cinema 4D.
Cinema 4D resources
Greyscalegorilla – greyscalegorilla.com
Nick Campbell and his team at Greyscalegorilla have created a fantastic resource site for learning Cinema 4D. They have a multitude of handy Cinema 4D tutorials. They also have some of the best plugins. If you are a beginner, this is an excellent place to start.
Eyedesyn – eyedesyn.com
EJ Hassenfratz has over a hundred Cinema 4D tutorials on his site. He covers many topics and has a distinct 2D design style to his work. EJ also has a course called: Cinema 4D Basecamp on School of Motion(see below)
HelloLuxx – helloluxx.com
Veteran 3D designer, Tim Clapham at HelloLuxx has tremendous knowledge of Cinema 4D. He is also an outstanding teacher.
Motionworks – motionworks.net
John Dickinson runs Motionworks. Here you’ll find Cinema 4D tutorials as well as After Effects tutorials. Also, John offers project breakdowns and other inspirational topics.
Cineversity – cineversity.com
Cineversity is a subscription-based, online educational program. It hosts over 1500 tutorials to help you learn Cinema 4D. Also, they have other resources and useful information.
School of Motion – schoolofmotion.com
School of Motion hosts hundreds of free video lessons and interviews with top industry professionals. Additionally, you’ll find articles on motion design topics. They also have a plethora of in-depth training courses on various aspects of design. School of Motion is a real powerhouse.
Helpful YouTube Channels
Brograph Tuts – Watch Channel
Digital Meat – Watch Channel
CG Shortcuts – Watch Channel
Nikolaus Schatz – Watch Channel
RocketLasso – Watch Channel
MographPlus – Watch Channel
Roger Kilimanjaro – Watch Channel
MOBOX Graphics – Watch Channel
Sean Dove – Watch Channel
thepixellab2011 – Watch Channel
Motion Designers Community – Watch Channel
Let me know if you think I have missed some resource that belongs on the list.
Happy learning.