Field Force Control – Cinema 4D Project

field force control cinema 4d project

Field Force Control - Cinema 4D Project File

In Cinema 4D R21, we got a brand new feature: Field Force. It can drive many things inside of Cinema 4D, such as particles and dynamics.

Another new feature in R21 is the ‘Vector’ mode in the
volume builder. With those two features combined, we can have particles travel along the surface of objects.

That’s how I’ve built this scene. It uses Thinking Particles, but the setup is very straightforward and easy. To create the Thinking Particles, I’ve used a Matrix object. You can replace the text with just about any other element.

I’m using Redshift as the renderer, but you can substitute that for the hair engine if you don’t have Redshift.

This project is part of a bundle — C4D and X-Particles Power Bundle.