Cinema 4D Tutorial – Bubbly Text Reveal

cinema 4d tutorial bubbly text reveal

Cinema 4D Tutorial - Bubbly Text Reveal

In this Cinema 4D tutorial, we’ll make a bubbly text reveal animation. The main components are the Displacer and Fields. We’ll use the Displacer to create the bubbly pattern and then in the falloff well use a text spline to write the letters. The text remains editable, and you can change it to anything you want. It could be a whole text sequence, for example.

The files are available for download.

displacer with a noise pattern and added cycles

We use the Displacer with a noise texture to create the pattern for the bubbles.

Cinema 4d bubbly text shader field reveal

To reveal the text, we use a Shader field. We can show larger chunks, rather than small dots, by increasing the noise scale.

bubbly text coloring displacement height

Let’s colorize the text. By using a 3D Linear Gradient, we can colorize the bubble-text based on the height displacement.