Why “slowing down” is actually “speeding up”…

Hey, we all know the drill:

You take action — do something — and get some result.

Maybe it’s selling a product…perhaps it’s getting new clients.

The point is…the “action” step is part of a sequence.

But the magic, the most crucial aspect, is what happens before you act.

My question for you is:

The business-related(or all) tasks — why do you do them?

Are they part of a strategy that takes you closer to a defined outcome — something that lights a fire in your heart — a stepping stone to a grander goal?

Or do you do them because you did them yesterday and the day before…?

Maybe you’re too exhausted to even think about it.

The phrase “less is more” is more relevant than ever.

Before any of the “doing” takes place, consider: “why”?

Urgency ≠ importance.

You might be pleasantly surprised by the extra energy gained from this little exercise. 

Could it be that time isn’t what it seems — and in a real sense, “slowing down” is actually “speeding up?”

Worth considering.

To your success

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Jesper Sandell

Jesper Sandell

Hi there, I run Velocitypeak.